Transport report

Progress on Ireland’s Road Haulage Strategy

2023 saw the establishment of the Road Freight Forum, the commissioning of a data quality study, and active advocacy for stricter EU emission standards under the auspices of Ireland’s Road Haulage Strategy 2022 to 2031.

Published in January 2024, the first progress report of the Road Haulage Strategy states that one of the initial actions was the establishment of a Road Freight Forum.

Including representatives from various government departments, agencies, and industry stakeholders such as the National Transport Authority (NTA), Road Safety Authority (RSA), Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), Freight Transport Association Ireland (FTAI), and the Irish Road Haulage Association (IRHA), the forum convened four times in 2023, with the last meeting before publication of the review held in January 2024.

Furthermore, the Department of Transport commissioned a study on data availability and quality which aims to identify data gaps, benchmark Ireland’s data against international standards, and suggest improvements. This report was published in May 2024.

Environmental Initiatives

The progress report outlines that regarding EU regulations on heavy-duty vehicle (HDV) emissions, Ireland supported the European Commission’s proposals for stricter limits on non-CO2 emissions, such as NOx and particulate matter.

Additionally, Ireland advocated for maintaining the European Commission’s CO2 emissions reduction targets for HDVs.

In line with environmental goals, the strategy includes the development of the National Hydrogen Strategy, considering hydrogen’s role in decarbonising heavy goods road freight. This is complemented by ongoing work by the Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland (ZEVI) office, focusing on infrastructure and energy requirements to facilitate electric heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).


On infrastructure, key actions undertaken in 2023 include ensuring that the National Roads 2040 strategy addresses the needs of the haulage and road freight sector and mapping existing infrastructure to identify priority projects. Additionally, the All-Island Strategic Rail Review aims to explore the strategic use of the rail network for freight.

The strategy also emphasises integrating the road freight sector’s importance into all transport strategy documents, including the National Ports Policy and the review of the National Aviation Policy.

A notable initiative to support hauliers is the review and potential reform of the driver CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) programme to ensure its relevance and usefulness. Additionally, a new IT system for processing road transport operator licenses is being developed to enhance digital and customer service capabilities, and due to go live Q3 2024.

The strategy also addresses the potential for license exchange agreements with North Macedonia and Argentina, with work progressing on drafting memoranda of understanding and relevant legislation. Furthermore, the progress report states that Ireland has initiated the negotiation process with Bosnia and Herzegovina for similar agreements.

The Logistics and Supply Chain Skills Group (LSCSG) has also organised the first Logistics and Supply Chain Skills Week in 2023 and a second early 2024.

Ireland’s Road Haulage Strategy

Published in December 2022, Ireland’s Road Haulage Strategy 2022-2031 focuses on aiming to generate efficiencies, improve standards, as well as help create secure employment and assist the sector to move to a low-carbon future.

The strategy sets out measures and supporting policies needed to deliver on these objectives, in particular for decarbonisation and in developing the skills base to ensure the long-term viability of the industry.

Looking Ahead

For 2024, key priorities include completing the procurement process for national standards for eco-driving, advancing feasibility studies for freight consolidation centres, and continuing the work on the National En-Route Electric Vehicle Charging Network Plan. Monitoring of all strategy actions will continue through regular meetings of the Road Freight Forum.

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