Justice report

Cuan: New domestic, sexual and gender-based violence agency established

In Gaeilge, ‘cuan’ means a haven, a port, or a harbour. It is also the shorthand name given to An Ghníomhaireacht um Fhoréigean Baile, Gnéasach agus Inscnebhunaithe, the new domestic, sexual and gender-based violence (DSGBV) statutory agency under the auspices of the Department of Justice.

Established on 1 January 2024 under Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Act 2023, which was signed into law by the President on 28 November 2023, Cuan has five primary functions:

  1. delivering services for DSGBV victims, including the provision of safe and accessible accommodation;
  2. establishing national service and governance standards;
  3. informing DSGBV policy through its leadership on research and collaboration with other bodies such as the CSO;
  4. delivering campaigns intended to both enhance awareness of the available supports and reduce the incidence of DSGBV; and
  5. coordinating the actions established in the Third National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and reporting progress to the Justice Minister.

These functions, the Department of Justice states, were “codesigned with the sector” to ensure that it is equipped with the necessary mandate, responsibilities, and supports. In 2024, the agency has a budget of around €59 million. €47 million is allocated to the services and supports, while the balance is committed to awareness raising initiatives.

On 23 February 2024, Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD formally opened Cuan alongside the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman TD, and Minister of State with special responsibility for International Law, Law Reform and Youth Justice, James Browne TD, and announced the appointment of its inaugural CEO, Stephanie O’Keeffe.

“The establishment of a dedicated statutory DSGBV agency has been a priority of mine,” McEntee said, adding: “In designing and delivering Cuan, government and NGOs have come together in collaboration and commitment. We have seen all political parties support the legislation to establish it, and we have seen unprecedented understanding and support for this work across society.”

Bringing together staff from Tusla – The Child and Family Agency, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, and the Department of Justice, Cuan aims to increase cohesion in the provision of DSGBV supports and services.

Stephanie O’Keeffe

Appointed following open competition conducted by the Public Appointment Service, Stephanie O’Keeffe, a former National Director of Operations Planning with the Health Service Executive (HSE), became the first CEO of Cuan.

Prior to this, she was the HSE’s National Director of Health and Wellbeing tasked with delivering Healthy Ireland and has more than 20 years of experience across several public service organisations.

Paying tribute to O’Keeffe upon her appointment, McEntee said: “I am delighted that someone of the calibre and experience of Stephanie O’Keeffe, will now take on the task of running the agency. Given her extensive experience of nationwide service delivery, building new and robust teams, and driving forward ambitious whole of government priorities, I am confident this leadership is exactly what Cuan needs, in its formative years.”

Seconded for a five-year term, O’Keeffe acknowledged the challenges of delivering Zero Tolerance, the Government’s third national DSGBV strategy, committing Cuan to becoming “a driving force… to build a national movement”.

Thanking McEntee for entrusting her with the task, O’Keeffe said: “My work now is to establish our team and the functions of the new Agency, from research and policy coordination to awareness raising and driving delivery of safe and accessible support services including refuge accommodation.”


The board of Cuan was appointed effective from 4 April 2024. Credit: Department of Justice

Comprising a chair and six members, the board of Cuan was appointed by and reports to the Minister for Justice. Following an open competition process with state Boards, the inaugural board members are:

  • Caroline Fennell (Chair)
    Professor emerita of law at University College Cork, Fennell is currently a Commissioner of An Coimisiún Toghcháin having previously served as a Commissioner of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission from 2018 to 2023.
  • Sarah Benson
    Before becoming CEO of Women’s Aid – a position she has held since 2019 – Benson was the CEO of Ruhama, a Dublin-based NGO that works nationally to support women affected by prostitution and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation.
  • Molly Buckley
    A public health nurse, Buckley has extensive experience in community development and family support services and is a founder of the Offaly Domestic Violence Support Service (ODVSS) which she has chaired for 20 years. • Denise Charlton Currently, Charlton is the CEO of Community Foundation Ireland. Previously, she was CEO of the Immigrant Council of Ireland and a Director with Women’s Aid.
  • Vivian Geiran
    A social worker by profession and an adjunct assistant professor and lecturer on the bachelor in social studies and master in social work programmes at Trinity College Dublin, Geiran served as the Director of the Probation Service from 2012 to 2020.
  • Conor Hanly
    Currently a lecturer and assistant professor of law at the University of Galway, Hanly also sits on the board of the Galway Rape Crisis Centre. • Claire Loftus Having served for 10 years as the Director of Public Prosecutions, Loftus is a retired public servant and a solicitor. Effective from 4 April 2024, the above were appointed for a period of between three and four years.

The functions of the board include:

  • providing strategic direction to Cuan;
  • promoting a high standard of corporate governance;
  • advising and making recommendations to the Minister in relation to policies impacting the functions of Cuan; and
  • adopting an annual report.

Remarking on the appointment of the board, the Justice Minister observed: “I am delighted that people with such experience and knowledge have been appointed to the board. In supporting Cuan to deliver on its functions, their commitment and contribution will be a key element to driving real and positive change for victims and survivors and for society more broadly… I am confident that they will guide Cuan wisely as it continues to develop and implement innovative approaches to preventing DSGBV, supporting victims and survivors, and promoting awareness and education.”

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