
Irish Water strategic plan

Tap2 Irish Water has published a draft programme for the delivery of water services in Ireland: the Water Services Strategic Plan.

The document contains six key themes: customer service; drinking water; waste water management; the environment; social and economic growth; and investment for the future.

The draft scheme has been published following a strategic environmental assessment, an appropriate assessment (i.e. a Natura impact statement) and an initial consultation with statutory bodies and the public.

The document sets out Irish Water’s short, medium and long-term ambitions alongside corresponding strategies for attainment. The draft plan also highlights the challenges that face water service provision and the unprecedented transformation and investment required by the sector.

Irish Water has requested that stakeholders contribute to a consultation process which will run until 17 April. The final plan will outline the vision for Irish Water’s service provision over the next 25 years.

Futhermore, landlords and tenants are now being invited to confirm their details with Irish Water to ensure correct billing and establish eligibility for the 100 water conservation grant. If a property is occupied, landlords can now provide the names of their tenants. Fintan McNamara of the Residential Landlords Association commented that while landlords regularly co-operated with utilities who were trying to reach tenants, he said they didn’t like being forced into a “piggy in the middle” role on the water issue.

Head of Customer Operations Paul O’Donoghue observed: “A national database of customers on the public water network has never been created.” He added: “By launching this process for owners of multiple properties, we are working towards getting that database right and billing the correct consumer of the water services.”

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