Empowering Higher Education Through Quality IT Shared Services

Established in 2015, EduCampus Services is a dynamic company providing IT shared services that support 20,000 staff and 140,000 students across the higher education sector in Ireland.
Through its operations, a range of business-critical management information systems are procured, implemented, maintained, and supported for an array of clients, spanning the universities, institutes of technology and technological universities.
As CEO of EduCampus since its establishment, Paddy Naughton has led the development of the organisation ensuring the provision of quality shared services to the higher education sector. “The EduCampus service offering is designed to reduce costs, save time, increase efficiency, and mitigate risk for our client members,” Naughton says. “We remain committed to quality in all aspects of our operations and services, while delivering value for money through efficiencies at multiple levels, including economies of scale, aggregated demand, and synergies with our parent company HEAnet CLG.”
EduCampus offers a portfolio of five key, cloud-hosted business applications that are essential to the operation of any higher education institution, as set out below.
Key achievements
Since its establishment, EduCampus Services has had a strategic focus on transitioning all applications from on-premise to cloud-based solutions.
The latest phase of the MIS Refresh Programme has seen all institutes of technology, and four technological universities fully transition to the state-of-the-art cloud-hosted Banner 9 system for student records management, resulting in an enhanced experience for students and staff, optimised process efficiencies, improved data integrity, as well as a future-proofed secure solution for the client base.
Introducing these new technologies and reporting tools has elevated client collaboration, leading to increased knowledge sharing across the sector. EduCampus Services continues to facilitate its clients in positioning themselves for growth and success in the ever-evolving education sector.
Annual conference
On 8 March 2023, EduCampus once again hosted its annual conference at the Convention Centre, Dublin. This year’s event was titled ‘Digital Transformation for Higher Education in Ireland’ and speakers on the day included: Joseph Ryan, Chair, EduCampus Board and CEO THEA; Paddy Naughton, EduCampus CEO; Ronan Laffan, Head of Advisory Services, Version 1; Gavin Barber, Deputy Director of Academic and Student Administration at Oxford Brookes University; and Jason Miles-Campbell, Director of Jisc Scotland and Jisc Northern Ireland.
It was a fantastic day of learning, networking, and sharing insights into current and emerging trends in the higher education and research sector including the opportunity to participate in a lively panel discussion and reconnect with colleagues. The seminar presentation slides, and video link can be viewed at educampus.ie.
The future
As technology in higher education continues to evolve, EduCampus will continue to collaborate with its clients to stay ahead of the curve, adapting to the changing needs of the sector, while providing the best services and solutions to its ever-expanding client base. EduCampus will continue to provide transformational leadership and harness emerging concepts to support the higher education and research sector in Ireland.
E: info@educampus.ie
W: www.educampus.ie