
Digital enterprise

A look at the latest statistics of how Irish enterprises are performing in the information society.

In 2015, use of social media by Irish enterprises was the second highest in the EU. The 64 per cent of enterprises, who employed 10 people or more, was significantly higher than the EU rate of 39 per cent and represented a sharp national rise from the 48 per cent of 2013. Social networks, such as Facebook where the primary method used but usage of blogs or microblogs such as Twitter (30 per cent), also improved by 3 per cent on the previous year. Multimedia content sharing websites such as YouTube (21 per cent), were the least used platform by enterprises but usage was still up from the 2013 and 2014 level.


Ireland’s large enterprises were the main beneficiaries of e-Commerce, with 53 per cent saying that e-Commerce made up half of their total sales. 51 per cent of medium sized companies had sales which accounted for 23 per cent of their total sales and 28 per cent of small enterprises has e-Commerce sales accounting for 16 per cent of all sales.


Less than half of Irish enterprises (42 per cent) stated that they had a formal ICT security policy. Of these, 71 per cent said that their policy had been reviewed or defined in the past year but 10 per cent declared their policy had not been addressed in more than 24 months.


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