ASSC: Supporting children and their families through the criminal justice system

The main aim of Accompaniment Support Services for Children (ASSC) is to provide support for all young people and their families as they negotiate their way through the criminal justice system in Ireland.
ASSC operates a Forensic and Court Accompaniment Support Service and Advocacy service. This can be provided directly before, during and directly after the child’s time in the criminal justice system.
ASSC recognises the continued development of the rights of young victims of crime, now embedded in the Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Act 2017.
ASSC wishes to promote a cultural shift in the development of “child-friendly justice” by providing essential services for child victims of crime. ASSC looks forward to our ongoing partnership with the Department of Justice, and now the new statutory agency Cuan, in supporting this journey of delivering indispensable support for young people and their families.
ASSC formation
ASSC is a not-for-profit charitable organisation set up in 2020 to address the needs of young people as they negotiate their way through the criminal justice system.
ASSC began to secure funding for its services from the Department of Justice in mid-2020. This was due to services being shut down within CARI (Children at Risk in Ireland). Funding was secured in early 2021 (during the peak of Covid-19), which allowed ASSC services to children to begin in early 2021.
Many other professionals support this journey. ASSC acknowledges the hard work of many NGOs and government agencies. We welcome their ongoing support, collaboration and guidance since our establishment in 2020.
ASSC’s vision is a child-friendly justice system throughout the country that supports and gives a voice to all child victims of crime and witnesses to crime, along with their families, regardless of means, race, ethnicity, ability, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or location.
ASSC recognises the significant value of effective multi-disciplinary work in providing services to children and young people who are victims of crime or have witnessed crime. We value collaboration with all stakeholders, within the criminal justice system.
ASSC services
ASSC provides three core services: forensic accompaniment, court accompaniment; and support and advocacy.
1. Forensic accompaniment
Onsite support is provided and led by ASSC volunteers. This is provided at two sites
- Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU), Rotunda Hospital, County Dublin
- Child Adolescent Sexual Assault Treatment Services (CASATS), Barnahus West, County Galway
2. Court accompaniment
Nationwide service providing onsite support for young people and families preparing to testify as a victim and witness to any crime:
- ongoing support and advocacy (collaboration with stakeholders key here for family);
- pre-trial meeting ( collaboration encouraged) – key work done with young person and family at this stage;
- DVD accompaniment;
- trial accompaniment – Volunteer-led (supported by staff);
- post-trial support for young people and family;
- sentencing accompaniment; and
- appeals support if applicable.
3. Support and advocacy:
- forensic support and advocacy: Crisis support and advocacy provided to families coming out of the forensic/medical examination units;
- court support and advocacy – Ongoing support and advocacy are provided to families for young people preparing to testify in any criminal trial or hearing;
- ongoing Support and Advocacy – Ongoing support and advocacy are provided to families for young people engaged in the criminal justice system (outside of the forensic and court pathways); and
- ASSC youth advocate – EU Pilot role within Barnahus West. The youth advocate works directly with young people engaged in Barnahus West. This role aims to bring the child’s voice to the multidisciplinary table to facilitate child participation.
ASSC steps forward
Steps forward for the charity include continuing with the national expansion, setting up social media platforms, child participation and research. This will allow ASSC to continue to reach more young people and allowing the voice and experiences of young victims of crime to be advocated for.
Recognising ASSC young people
Most importantly, we commend the bravery, resilience, and determination of the young people who step forward, breaking the silence. Their courage has provided a path for future child victims of crime to come forward and be heard. We also recognise the families and carers who support and stand beside those young people on this challenging and unpredictable journey through the criminal justice system in Ireland.
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