Leaving cert reforms set out

ruairi quinn credit council of the european union The number of grades for the leaving certificate is likely to be cut from 14 to eight, under plans being considered by Education Minister Ruairí Quinn. The proposal is being discussed by educationalists and is included in a progress report on reforming the transition into higher education.

Quinn sees the multitude of grades as encouraging “teaching to the test” and rote learning. Any new system will start when pupils get their results for the leaving cert in 2017.

“For the first time, we see the concerns around the high stakes nature of the points system and the leaving certificate being addressed in a coherent way across both second and third level,” Quinn commented.

“I know that all partners have been working intensively in the transition reform group and within their own sectors to make progress on the three commitments made last year, so that we can together achieve our shared objectives for a better learning experience for students as they move through all stages of their education.”

The transition reform group comprises the Department of Education and Skills, Higher Education Authority, State Examinations Commission, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, Quality and Qualifications Ireland, Institutes of Technology Ireland, and Irish Universities Association.

An implementation plan will be finalised before the end of 2014 and phased changes will begin for students entering fifth year in 2015.

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