North & East Housing Association

Having marked its 30th anniversary in 2023, North & East Housing Association continues to grow and develop its reach and offering to stakeholders and partnerships.
During the period of the current strategic plan, the Association has expanded its housing activities and proposals in particular in counties Cavan, Laois, and Monaghan, bringing its local authority operational areas to 13. The Association is on track to deliver 70 homes in 2024, with commitments and construction underway for more than 100 further new homes during 2025.
A significant emphasis is placed on quality and sustainability, as well as maximising delivery opportunities, employing a blended approach to delivery of acquisition and construction turnkey via CALF and HFA funded borrowings.
Turnkey delivery under forward funded development agreements is proposed in the upcoming strategic plan period, as the association considers this approach important in terms of delivering opportunities which are underpinned by quality, programme and cost efficiency outcomes with stakeholder partnerships, to support addressing local authority Housing Delivery Action Plan targets.
Apart from new housing and apartment delivery, a strong emphasis and value has been placed by local authority partnerships on brownfield and repurposing/regeneration in provincial high street locations, and development with proximity to town centre amenities. Thus, promoting sustainable communities in terms of tenure mix, access to and supporting town and village centres, and reduction on carbon footprint through accessibility to existing/improving public transport and pedestrian links.
These supply characteristics have been recognised by awarding bodies for developments in both County Louth and County Meath during the present strategy period. A further recent example of this approach is Birch Court, Ballybay, County Monaghan, which provides four ‘A’ rated upgraded apartments within the town centre, with the premises also accommodating a municipal library service.
North & East continues to progress its supply locations under employer led direct construction through the Capital Assistance Scheme. Present supply initiatives are being undertaken at Garristown, Balbriggan, and Castleblaney, with both Fingal and Monaghan county councils. These combined locations will provide 50 houses/apartments with an emphasis on older person accommodation with universal design (UD), and UD+ features.
The Town Centre Living initiative, and preservation of protected structures are further locational features. As such, a blend of important end user outcomes and policy initiatives are being addressed in these construction areas, which will deliver from 2026 onward.
For more information, please contact the development team