HAIL aims to build more partnerships to deliver on growth plans

Housing Association for Integrated Living (HAIL) will mark our 40-year anniversary in 2025. Over the past four decades, we have been providing high quality social housing and mental health tenancy sustainment services to support our tenants and clients to live independently in their homes and communities.
We are proud of the impact of our work and of our staff, who have helped positively change the lives of so many of our tenants and clients. We see everyday through our work, just how transformative having a stable and secure home is to support people with their mental health recovery.
We have grown significantly since 1985 as the demand for our housing and support services continues to increase. In 2023, we supported our highest ever number of clients for the third consecutive year.
Under our current strategic plan 2024-2028, we are planning to expand further so that we can support more people and strengthen the impact of our work.
As part of our growth plans, we are aiming to deliver an additional 300 new homes by 2028 and expand our mental health tenancy sustainment services into more communities across Ireland. Forming more partnerships with other organisations across the sector will be key to support us reach these targets.
We are actively seeking more partnership opportunities with property developers, local authorities, and other approved housing bodies to work with us in providing more homes. Our professional and highly experienced development team have a strong track record of successfully delivering development projects. We are primarily seeking development partners to work with us on delivering multi-unit developments. We are also focusing on repurposed projects of up to 50 units, Part V opportunities, and sustainable new builds.
In addition to this, we are looking to expand our mental health tenancy sustainment services into more local authority areas. This service supports people who have a mental health difficultly, who are living in private rented accommodation, local authority, or social housing, sustain their tenancy and live independently. We currently have a presence in 16 local authority areas and our aim is to expand this service over the next five years.
We would be delighted to hear from property developers, local authorities, and other Approved Housing Bodies about opportunities for us to partner and expand our housing and support services as we embark on the next chapter in our mission to provide the key to independent living for people with mental health difficulties.
Martina Smith, HAIL CEO
To discuss partnership opportunities please find our contact details on:
W: www.hail.ie