Taking pressure off the water network to save one megalitre of water daily

Here at Cully Automation Ltd., we offer services into various vertical markets and are committed to consistently providing the highest level of quality to all aspects of our work, tailored to address the unique requirements of each client.
As a collective group we offer design, supply, and integration services to assist our clients in planning, development, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of critical infrastructure. Our expertise and experience remain trusted to deliver quality services and products with exemplary standards to all aspects of our business nationwide.
Kilkenny City Water Pressure Management Project
High pressure in watermains can put unnecessary strain on joints, fittings, and weaknesses in the pipe work. Managing pressure is all about ensuring there is enough pressure to get water to our taps but not so much that it damages the pipes along the way. Our bespoke solutions can provide a range of options designed for our clients’ water pressure management requirements.
Benefits include:
- long term cost savings;
- asset management and longevity;
- leakage reduction and easily identified leak locations;
- cloud based data collection; and
- remote monitoring and alarm notifications.
Working on behalf of Ward and Burke Construction Ltd. under the Irish Water pressure management project in Kilkenny City, such results have been showcased. Following the completion of the project it was estimated one million litres of water per day was saved, equating to enough water to supply over 2,700 homes and businesses.
The City’s water supply is fed from two independent water treatment plants, Troyswood and Radestown, the water is then fed through trunk mains surrounding the city. Working with two separate plants further added to the complexities of the project as it was critical to keep flow pressures even from both sites, ensuring they continue to work in conjunction with one another.
At both water treatment plants, a pressure reducing valve (PRV) was supplied, commissioned, and fitted to the specifications outlined by Irish Water, throughout the network critical data loggers and boosters were deployed to six crucial locations to feedback information allowing the PRVs to adjust the water pressure as required. The PRV design specifications allowed for three control mode options, fixed, time based, and flow based, to assist in ensuring the water pressure didn’t and continues not to rise or drop below the required levels.
A real-time intelligent water network based on flow and pressure data has provided a smart option for Kilkenny City to manage their water remotely using a SCADA platform. The increased reliability of the SCADA platform has allowed for remote operational control, thus improving worker safety as the need to deploy an operative to site has been significantly reduced.
By deploying electromagnetic flowmeters, pressure reducing valves and pressure controllers, with the capability of transmitting data to a SCADA platform, the desired results of monitoring and managing the water network pressure to reduce bursts and interruptions to customers was achieved, along with reduction in pumping, energy and chemical costs and safeguarding the water supply for the city. With the improved levels of control, the lifespan of the assets has also been extended.
T: 01 601 4012
E: Info@cullyautomation.ie
W: www.cullyautomation.ie