Transdev: Powering Ireland towards Vision Zero

Transdev Dublin Light Rail (TDLR) as operator and maintainer of Luas, Dublin’s light rail network, supports the Government’s Road Safety Strategy of bringing Ireland to Vision Zero — no road deaths or serious injuries by 2050.
Safety is at the centre of Transdev’s corporate values. We understand the need to provide safe road and rail transport systems to support the wellbeing of citizens and the economy. Supporting Vision Zero will contribute to our collective safety ensuring a seamless and smart way of living.
The Luas network, like most tramways’ shares space with people, walking, cycling and driving. Luas is a success because it is a safe transport mode that integrates well with other users. However, since commencing operation in 2004, Transdev’s safety experience shows that human error and breaching the rules of the road are responsible for some of the most serious incidents involving trams with cars, cyclists, and pedestrians.
This experience is one of the many reasons why Transdev support the Seven Safe Systems Approach.
Seamus Egan, MD, TDLR, tells eolas: “I particularly welcome the seven Safe System priority intervention areas that have been adopted in this strategy. These aims will greatly assist Luas in operating a safe tram experience. It is ideal to review safe speeds and road use, particularly where road user standards and their behaviours will be viewed in line with traffic legislation and supported by enforcement.
“Equally, the aim to promote safe and healthy modes of travel, actively encouraging people to engage with public transport, is to be warmly welcomed.”
Egan adds: “Sharing information on how to stay safe when using the road is critical.”
Transdev will always ensure we educate the public through our awareness campaigns on staying safe and staying vigilant when on the tramway or when interfacing with it as a road user.
We republished our Luas Safety message last November, which simply says: “Seconds could change your life.”
This message applies to motorists and cyclists who on occasion make split-second decisions to gamble a red traffic light when a Luas is approaching. Equally, the message is aimed at pedestrians who regretfully run for trams but forget to look and see if a tram is coming in the other direction. These behaviours can sadly result in injury or death.
Through education and defensive driving by Luas Drivers, who are trained to anticipate the actions of others in all weather conditions, plus enforcement and changing our behavior, we will deliver Vision Zero.
T: 01 461 4910
Transdev Dublin Light Rail
Red Cow, Clondalkin, D22 C5 P3