The Transforming Public Services conference took place in Croke Park in February. This annual conference, supported by Deloitte, was attended by around 150 delegates who heard from local and visiting speakers. Reform of public services has been a central part of the response to the challenges of recent years, and must continue to be a priority for the years ahead, and build on what has been achieved so far. The conference was addressed by speakers from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, the Irish Prison Service, Dublin City University and the National Shared Services Office among others.
Alex Roberts, OECD; Shane Mohan, Deloitte; Robert Watt, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform; Peter Carey, Kildare County Council and Barry Lowry, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.Nancy Costelloe, Ordnance Survey Ireland and Darina Heavey, An Post.Aisling Keegan, Dell Inc; Cathal Nolan, Ulster Bank and Tomas Ó Ruairc, The Teaching Council.Lisa Keyes, Public Appointments Service and Gerard Hughes, Department of Children and Youth Affairs.Barry Lowry, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform; Nuala Doherty, Centre for Effective Services and Seamus McGrath, IBM Global Business.Question and answer session.Paul Dunne, Department for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government and Jim Conway, Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly.
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