Youth Wiki: Europe’s online encyclopaedia for national youth policies
Created by the European Commission to help policy makers in decision making, Youth Wiki provides information on youth policy within and across countries. It is a one-stop-shop to compare national structures, policies and actions that support young people between 29 countries, writes Léargas’ Laura Austen-Gray, National Correspondent for Youth Wiki.
The platform is designed for those who need policy information fast. The Youth Wiki offers comprehensive, qualitative information that can be quickly searched by either country or policy area. Readers are also directed to further resources where you can find additional information on each topic.
The Youth Wiki enables the exchange of information and innovative approaches and can be used as a resource to support peer learning activities. It is the ideal platform for policy makers to find inspiration for new youth policies, programmes or reforms already established by other European nations. Meanwhile, academics and researchers may benefit from comparing initiatives and outcomes across countries. Front line youth workers and those working in youth organisations can use the Youth Wiki to find additional opportunities which could benefit their clients.
The main source of the platform’s information is official documents from national top-level authorities in the youth field. Information from studies, surveys, analyses or assessments/evaluations, conducted directly by public authorities or commissioned to research centres, experts, and think-tanks, is also provided.
Youth Wiki Ireland provides the highest standard of data. The information is written by the National Correspondent and thoroughly fact-checked and edited by subject matter specialists, chosen for their expertise in the relevant youth policy area.
The platform’s content is shaped by the policy priorities established by the European Commission and the member states in the framework of European cooperation in the youth field. Currently, you can access information on ten policy areas in the Youth Wiki ‘chapters’:
- Youth Policy Governance
- Voluntary Activities
- Employment and Entrepreneurship
- Social Inclusion
- Participation
- Education and Training
- Health and Well-Being
- Creativity and Culture
- Youth and the World
- Youth Work
For an even faster way to compare youth policy issues, you can also explore information through interactive maps.
A feature of the Youth Wiki is that it reports complex policy initiatives in accessible, plain English. Each policy area is subdivided into several topics, ensuring that it is easy to scan for the information you need.
Youth Wiki Ireland is managed by Léargas, the National Agency for Erasmus+ in Adult Education, School Education, Vocational Education and Training, and Youth. The Youth Wiki is nationally co-funded by the European Commission and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
Léargas, Kings Inn House, Parnell St, Rotunda, Dublin 1, D01 A3Y8
T: 01 887 1241